
Showing posts with label google advertising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google advertising. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Why Many Businesses LOSE Money with Google Ads

Google Ads search advertising can be one of the best investments for your business for 2 very good reasons:

  1. Highly targeted – Your ad only appears when people are searching for your product or service in Google. So you get in front of your ideal customer at the exact time she’s looking to buy.

  2. Low risk – Since you only pay per click, search advertising can be much less risky than other forms of advertising like media buying. You’re essentially paying for performance. If your ad does not resonate and no one clicks on it, then you don’t pay a penny. You only pay if your ad attracts prospects, and they click on your ads to go check out your website.

So it’s no wonder why businesses flock to Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) to see if they can make it work. But unfortunately, too many businesses end up LOSING money because they go about advertising with Google all wrong.

And part of it is Google’s fault…


Reason #1. It’s So Easy To Get Started (With The Wrong Settings)

You see, one of the best things about Google Ads is you can get started in a matter of minutes. Google has made it so brain dead simple to get started that all you need to do is click a few buttons, enter your credit card info, and voilĂ ! Your ads will start to show to your prospects and hopefully, you’ll get qualified traffic.

So Google Ads is one of the fastest ways to start generating new customers for your business. However, that is precisely the reason why so many businesses lose money! Unfortunately, Google’s default settings almost guarantee you’ll spend MORE money than you need to because that’s what Google wants. Google is in business to make money from advertisers so of course, it’s in their best interest to encourage businesses to spend more.

So that’s the first reason. Many businesses lose money with Google Ads simply because they don’t realize some of the default settings (like advertising in both the Search and Display network in the same campaign) almost guarantee you’ll lose money.

Reason #2. Lack of Focus on Marketing Fundamentals

The second reason is that many businesses don’t fully understand how successful Google Ads campaigns really work. A lot of people think Google Ads success is all about quality scores, bidding tips and tricks, and automation tools. But success with Google Ads really comes down to advertising fundamentals and best practices.

I’ve audited countless Google Ads accounts where businesses were wasting hundreds and even thousands of dollars because they weren’t following direct response advertising best practices. And usually, it’s not specific to Google Ads… it’s much more basic than that.

By far the #1 mistake I see over and over again is when businesses send their advertising traffic to their homepage. One of the most basic principles of advertising is to precisely match your message to your market/prospect. Your homepage explains everything you do and addresses every single type of prospect that may visit your website. So by nature, your homepage will never perfectly match your prospect who just typed in a very specific question into Google.

Reason #3. Not Following a Checklist

The third reason why many businesses lose money with Google Ads is that they do not have a checklist. When I audit Google Ads campaigns, I go through a very thorough checklist and I’ve never seen an account that was not wasting money because of a very simple account setting.

Here are some basic things to check before turning on your ads:

  • Are you targeting the Search and Display network in the same campaign? This is a mistake because the search network is completely different than the display network, and usually requires different ads and landing pages. So make sure you’re only targeting one network within a single campaign.
  • Are you sending traffic from your ads to a laser targeted landing page or are you using your homepage? Again, per advertising best practices, you never want to use your homepage. Make sure you precisely match your message to your market.
  • Do you have conversion tracking so you can calculate your return on investment for every campaign, ad group, and keyword in your account? This brings us to Reason #4…

Reason #4. Poor Tracking

And finally, the fourth reason why most businesses lose money with Google Ads is that they do not track leads and sales from their campaigns. I am always shocked when customers tell me they have no way to measure the effectiveness of their Google Ads campaigns. Or they are measuring the wrong numbers!

For example, a private consulting client I worked with a year ago was only focused on the cost of his ad campaign and he had no way to measure the revenue. Each keyword was judged solely by the cost. He would pause high-cost keywords and only focus on low-cost keywords despite the fact he had no idea which keywords were driving sales!

Think about that for a minute. Advertising is not an expense where the goal is to drive down costs. Advertising is an investment. And the only way to optimize an investment is to accurately calculate the return. Would you ever compare two investment portfolios purely on how much was invested in each of them? Obviously not… You would look at the return and compare the profits! And that’s how you must treat your Google Ads campaign if you want to be successful.

I hope by reading these 4 big Google Ads mistakes you can avoid them altogether and start reaping the benefits of Google’s very large market. When set up correctly, Google Ads can generate leads and sales consistently and predictably like a vending machine -- but you must watch out for these common mistakes in order to give your campaigns a shot at success.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

7 Steps to Set Up a New Campaign in Google AdWords

Google AdWords is extraordinary compared to other promoting alternatives on the web. Google has more than 1.17 billion clients, and that is the reason AdWords is an extraordinary method to get your site before the eyes of your buyers.

Did you realize that for each $1 spent on Google AdWords, the normal entrepreneur winds up with $2 in income? It's difficult to beat that ROI with other publicizing stages. That is the reason in case you're searching for a decent choice with regards to promotions, you ought to consider Google AdWords.

It's not hard to begin with Google Adwords, but rather it can be overpowering. That is the reason I will walk you through 7 stages to set up a crusade regardless of whether it's your first time signing into AdWords.

Step #1: Go to the Google AdWords Campaign Website

Go to You will then observe, "Begin Now." Click on that and agree to accept your AdWords account. You would then be able to tap on the catch that says, "Make your first crusade."

Step #2: Choose a Campaign Type and Name
You have choices for a battle compose. When you're simply beginning, it's best to pick "Pursuit Network as it were."

Name your crusade. You might need to pick a name that needs to do with the item or administration you're publicizing.

Step #3: Select Ad Display Location

You have numerous alternatives with regards to individuals' areas. You can pick a huge or little territory. For example, a whole nation or only a city. On the off chance that you need a particular region, you can utilize scope longitude organizes.

Make certain you know the areas of your optimal client. In case you're a nearby entrepreneur, you need to target individuals around your zone. In case you're pitching your items and administrations to individuals all through the United States, pick the U.S. For entrepreneurs who offer universally, you might need to set up a few crusades for nations that have the most astounding deals or where a large portion of your shoppers live.

Step #4: Set Your Daily Budget

Until the point that you turn into a capable AdWords client, it's best to set a low day by day spending plan. This enables you to begin gradually, accumulate information, and afterward extend what's working once you are more comfortable with your crusades. Note that Google can and will go marginally finished your every day spending plan. Consequently, it's essential to watch out for your battles and change your financial plans every week to guarantee you don't go over your most extreme month to month promotion spending plan.

You should likewise set up your installment choices.

Manual Payments: You pay before your promotion appears.

Programmed Payments: You interface your record to your charge card or financial balance and the cash is drafted naturally.

Month to month Invoicing: Google gives credit lines to some entrepreneurs who qualify.

Step #5: Add Keywords

This can be dubious, particularly for first time promoters. Your first slant is probably going to include whatever number catchphrases as could reasonably be expected that you believe are significant for your business. Indeed, this is precisely what Google needs you to do in light of the fact that then you'll spend more cash.

Battle that desire! Rather, concentrate just on what we call the bulls eye catchphrases. These are where there is positively presumably that the individual scanning the watchword is searching for precisely what you offer. There may just be a modest bunch of these bulls eye watchwords and that is OK. Try not to include any watchwords where there is any uncertainty the searcher may not search for your item or administration.

Step #6: Create an Ad

This is the point at which the fun starts. You get the chance to make a promotion that will draw in your purchasers and influence them to snap to go to your site. Prospects will probably tap on an advertisement that has the watchword they utilized as a part of Google's inquiry bar. In this way, on the off chance that you are focusing on a particular watchword state your buyers use (in the wake of doing catchphrase inquire about), make certain to utilize that expression in one of the two features.

After the features, you can proceed onward to the advertisement depiction. Spotlight on the key advantages of your item or administration, depict your exceptional offer on the off chance that you have one, and end with a solid invitation to take action.

Ultimately, we prescribe sending individuals to a point of arrival that is made to explicitly coordinate your promotion. By doing this, you can guarantee that the data in the promotion is considered the presentation page, which will prompt more grounded transformations. Individuals frequently wrongly set up a promotion that publicizes an extraordinary arrangement and afterward sending them to their landing page that never specifies this arrangement. This exclusive prompts disappointment with respect to your prospect. A point of arrival ought to be exceedingly focused for the catchphrase expression you utilized as a part of your promotion.

Step #7: Set Up Conversion Tracking

This last advance is to set up all the proper transformation following for your business. Google gives you the accompanying choices:

Webform drives (ex. quote demands)

Internet business orders (ex. orders from your internet shopping basket)

Calls from advertisements (ex. telephone calls from the number showed on your promotions)

Calls from site (ex. telephone calls from the number showed on your site)

Imports from deals that happen off of the web

Ensure you set up all the suitable transformation following choices previously you turn the advertisements on. Else, you won't have the capacity to quantify the adequacy of your promotions!

Following, Adjusting, and Conquering Effective Adwords Campaigns

As your advertisements run, watch out for the investigation. You'll have the capacity to perceive what is working and what isn't working. As you focus on what your advertisements do, you'll have the capacity to get nearer to what will give you the best outcomes.

When you've made sense of which promotions your buyers tap on the most, you can make comparative ones for higher cost-per-click catchphrases. This will enable you to build your ROI.

Presently, simply ahead and begin. When you make a plunge, you'll begin to take in more about what works for your crusades and that AdWords can be an awesome method to publicize your business.

Monday, November 6, 2017

[AdWords Case Study] 41% More Conversions at 33% Lower Cost

In the course of recent months I began to see one of our Google AdWords administration customers was reliably producing more transformations at a lower cost for each change. When I investigated, I was enjoyably astounded to see transformations were up 41% and taken a toll for each change was down 33% since the crusade was propelled.


My first response was to reveal "the mystery." What was the "a certain something" that enabled this battle to reliably enhance, after a seemingly endless amount of time?

Turns out, there is no mystery... There wasn't only a certain something... The achievement of this battle was the consequence of doing the correct things again and again and over once more, after a seemingly endless amount of time after month.

It's a great deal like working out. When you screen your advance step by step or even step by step, at that point you may not see changes in your quality, continuance, and weight. In any case, in the event that you stay with your routine and audit your advance over numerous months, at that point you'll likely observe an emotional contrast. As it were, little, incremental changes can signify noteworthy enhancements.

So we should investigate 5 of the most imperative incremental changes we made to this specific record.

#1: Structure the Campaign Correctly

First of all, you should set up your crusades accurately. By this I mean organizing your record into intelligent crusades to give you more control over your financial plans, promotion booking, and geo focusing on. In addition, consistent battle structure will make it less demanding for you to screen execution over the record.

For instance, for our situation examine, the business gives apparatus repair administrations to clothes washers, dryers, fridges, coolers, broilers, stoves, and dishwashers. Knowing this, you may figure you ought to make battles for each administration. Furthermore, that is an extraordinary thought!

A decent dependable guideline is to make distinctive battles for each administration you offer. Once more, this will give you more control to allot your showcasing spending plan to particular administrations. Also, you might need to utilize diverse advertisement booking and distinctive focusing on per benefit.

Before we proceed onward, take note of that battle structure can change after some time. For instance, after some time you might need to make a different battle for the majority of your best performing watchwords for a specific administration. This would enable you to designate the larger part of your financial plan to watchwords you definitely know perform best, while restricting your financial plan on catchphrases you need to test.

Alright, how about we proceed onward to another basic advance...

#2: Set Up Conversion Tracking

You'll see in the chart above, I'm providing details regarding the quantity of changes and the cost per transformation. For this situation, most by far of changes are telephone call leads from the site. Changes and cost per transformation are two of the most imperative measurements since they show how well your promotions are performing.

Google AdWords has transformation following that enables you to track a wide range of key activities on your site, including telephone calls, contact shape entries, cite demands, arrangement asks for, and even disconnected deals.

In any case, there's a catch... AdWords won't track any transformations unless you set up the change following! Transformation following isn't on of course. You should set this up yourself or with the assistance of your web engineer.

Note that none of the means underneath can be finished until the point when you get change following set up accurately. Try not to skirt this progression and don't accept change following is working since it was set up before. As changes are made to your site it's conceivable that the transformation code could be modified or even expelled totally.

#3: Remove Keyword Rot

Of all the incremental changes, this one is likely the most vital. The truth with Google AdWords is that a few catchphrases essentially won't perform well. They'll have low navigate rates and low quality scores.

The issue is that low quality score catchphrases can drag down your whole record. Consider it like a rotten one that will in the long run spoil the whole bushel. Low quality score watchwords will decay your record!

One approach to enhance quality scores is to discover and either piece insignificant inquiry terms or target top performing look terms. To do this, go to your Keywords tab, at that point tap on the "Hunt expressions" subnavigation catch (see beneath).


From this report, you'll have the capacity to distinguish insignificant inquiry terms and add them to your Negative watchword list so your promotions are never again activated. Furthermore, you'll have the capacity to recognize top performing look terms to add to your record as Exact match catchphrases.

By frequently searching through this report, you'll avoid catchphrase spoil and guarantee your advertisements are focusing on the best watchwords for your business.

#4: Optimize Campaign Budgets

In the event that you organized your crusades legitimately (see step #1 above), at that point you can upgrade your battle spending plans. I as of now indicated this above.

It sounds straightforward, yet this can bigly affect crusade execution. Consider it like a speculation portfolio. On the off chance that you had $100,000 to contribute, would it bode well to put everything into a hazardous new startup? Or, on the other hand would you broaden that venture into a blend of protected and more hazardous speculations? (Insight: That's a non-serious inquiry :)

The same is valid with AdWords. You'll need to apportion the dominant part of your financial plan toward what's demonstrated to perform well. At that point utilize your outstanding spending plan to test new catchphrases, new focusing on choices, new offers, or even new promotion outlets like Bing or Facebook.

#5: Optimize Ad Copy

A great many people know about the possibility of A/B split testing your advertisement duplicate. Be that as it may, do you know why it's so essential in Google AdWords?

At the point when your promotions get a high active visitor clicking percentage, at that point that prompts more movement, leads, and deals. That part is self-evident. What's not all that undeniable is that a high active visitor clicking percentage will likewise prompt lower costs!

That is on the grounds that active visitor clicking percentage is the greatest factor in your quality score. Furthermore, when you have a higher quality score, at that point you can show signs of improvement advertisement situating for less cost. This is the reason promotion duplicate streamlining is so basically imperative for your battle execution.


In segregation, none of the incremental changes above seem, by all accounts, to be distinct advantages. Be that as it may, when you consolidate them together and concentrate on incremental upgrades, after quite a long time, at that point I ensure you'll see positive changes.

Like any exercise schedule, the hardest part is really staying on course. Anybody can do one of the exercises. Maybe a couple can finish them throughout the all the live long day. That is a similar attitude you have to see constant change in your AdWords crusades.

Need assistance with Google AdWords?

Would you like us to create these sorts of results for your business?

Adchanakya can set up and deal with your AdWords crusades for you, so you draw in more clients consistently.

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